For the given ship accelerations and weather conditions structural strength (static and buckling) of 2 STS cranes and their lashing to the ship deck during their sea voyage has been analyzed. Found out the cranes’ lashing plan, lashing elements minimum profile, necessity of crane structure reinforcement to withstand to the loads during sea voyage.
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Rail clamp strength analysis
The rail clamp is a safety device that is designed to prevent a crane from moving along the rail when the storm wind acts by gripping the gantry rail. In this project the static strength of the structure, bolt connections and levers has been checked. In addition the fatigue analysis has been done.
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Gantry crane (portal boom crane) structure analysis due to surveying the possibility of the crane productivity increasing
The crane has been checked for the possibility to work with the maximal lifting load of 40t at all outreaches. Initially the maximum outreach has been constrained up to 25 meter outreach for SWL 40 t by the manufacturer.
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3rd party service RTG crane height increase
3rd party in RTG crane height increase from 18 to 21 meters. Performed RTG structural analysis (fatigue, buckling and static strength), checked the crane stability, design and drawings of the additional leg sections, exhausting pipe section, additional tie beam according BS 2573.
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