Residual (Remaining) Life Assessment

The problem of a Residual Life Assessment is actual for the cranes that have worked the service life that is guaranteed by the manufacturer. On this stage the question is raised – could the crane be still in operation or it is time to scrap it. In order to answer this question the investigation of the Residual life assessment has to be performed.

In order to solve this problem the combination of Structural analysis of the crane structure combined with the strain gauge measurements is needed.

One more thing to be considered is the degradation of a structure grade material properties during the crane operation. Using material properties of the new material (yield stress, toughness etc.) in Structural Analysis could lead to the wrong results. The easiest way to find the impaired material properties is to perform the specimen test for the crane grade, taken from the loaded joints.

Operation of a crane beyond the life, guaranteed by manufacturer, without any residual life assessment could lead to emergency situations!