Категория портфолио: Projects

The Quay Crane repair quality assessment

4 Quay cranes have been surveyed. In order to decrease the significant structure vibration during the Quay Crane operating the repair of the trolley, trolley rail and boom-girder hinge has been done by another company. The decision about the effectiveness of the repair has been done by us based on information, gained before and after…
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Determining Condition of the Ship-to Shore Container Crane

The goal of this project was to determine the possibility and conditions of further operation of the ship-to-shore crane manufactured in 1976, based on state of metal and operational conditions. The following work has been done: Inspection of the boom steel structure using coercive force method. Structural analysis for the crane boom for different trolley…
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During Deck crane structural survey the plastic deformation of a lug of jib-column joint  was found. It was to be replaced with a new one. However, the grade that was used during manufacturing was absent at the ship yard and the delivery time was significant and could lead to the extra costs for vessel idleness.…
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